Graduating this year? Please sign up to complete 2017 Social Work Graduate Survey by May 12th

This survey is a collaborative survey to learn more about social work graduates across the country – and you have a good chance of getting an amazon gift card!

Dear Social Work Graduating Class,

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!  Now that you are graduating, the social work community could use your help to inform the social work education and practice community about the career pathways of new social work graduates and the job market.  You can also earn a $20 Amazon gift card!

To better understand the trends in the work and and practice experiences of social workers, eight major social work organizations have come together to engage the George Washington University Health Workforce Institute (GW-HWI) to conduct a survey of individuals completing a social work degree in 2017.

The 2017 Social Work Graduate Survey will be distributed in September 2017 using an individualized link emailed to participants.  GW-HWI is inviting you to participate in this survey.  If you are interested, please provide them with an email address that will still be valid in September using the link below.  Please respond by 7:00 p.m. EDT on May 12, 2017.  GW-HWI will then contact you at that email address in September to take the survey.

Your participation in the survey in September and your decision to register for it now are entirely voluntary. Registering for the survey now does not require you to complete the survey in September.  If you do complete the survey in September, all of your responses will be kept confidential and reports and papers based on analysis of this information will only use aggregated survey data.  Although GW-HWI will ask for your email address, name and social work program when you click on the link above, this information will be kept separate from the survey responses you give in September and will not be linked to them in any way.  Your email address will be deleted from their records at the end of the study unless you agree otherwise.

In appreciation of your participation in this important study, the first 1100 people completing the September survey will receive a $20 Amazon gift card [500 BSWs, 500 MSWs, 100 PhD/DSWs].  GW-HWI expects around 1000 responses to the survey, so your chances of being awarded the gift card are good!

Should you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact Ed Salsberg, Principal Investigator for the study, at

GW-HWI and the partnering national social work organizations greatly appreciate your time and consideration in agreeing to participate in this survey.

Thank you for your interest in this important study for the social work community. Congratulations again on your forthcoming graduation!


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