Lunchtime Social Justice Panel – Friday, May 25th, noon-1:30

The PhD Social Justice Committee together with the SSW Equity Council are excited to bring together prominent local leaders within public institutions in Seattle to engage the UW SSW community in vibrant conversations as they share insights about institutional challenges to social change, equity tools and resources, and implementation success stories.  Lunch will be provided if you RSVP below.

The Panel will be on Friday, May 25th from noon-1:30pm in room 305.

Our final confirmed list of panelists include:

Lamont Green
City of Seattle Race & Social Justice Initiative

Matias Valenzuela
King County Office of Equity & Social Justice

Dr. Concepcion Pedroza
Seattle Public Schools
Race & Equity Team Leader

Chadwick Allen
Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement
Co-Chair of UW Diversity Council

We hope that you can join in a lively discussion regarding both local and university efforts to promote equity and assess and implement change within public institutions and the larger community.   Please RSVP at this link where dietary requests and questions for our panelists can be added:

Facebook event:

Please direct questions to Jessica Ulrich or Shannon Blajeski

See you on the 25th!


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