Time Sensitive Survey for MSW/MBA Philanthropy Fellows Pilot Program – by May 28th

Dear School of Social Work Community,

There is a current budding partnership between the Foster School of Business and School of Social Work to pilot a Philanthropy Fellowship program for 2017 – 2018.

The hope is to create an experiential learning environment in which students can have a hands on, interdisciplinary learning opportunity that increases knowledge of foundations and philanthropic practices. Additionally, it is an educational networking opportunity between social work students, business students and philanthropic foundations.

We are currently asking for social work students to complete this survey to gauge interest and feedback for such a program. The survey should take no more than five minutes to fill out and there is an opportunity to win a $20 Starbucks gift card.

Please see survey here.

Rachel Alger,

University of Washington

Master of Social Work Candidate, 2018



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