Summer Jobs: Staff Summer Meals sites in King County – apply ASAP

Summer means two things for the young people across King County:

  1. For the 100,000 kids in King County who have counted on free and reduced schools meals, families will spend on average $316 more each month to put food on the table. For too many hard working parents, this will cause serious financial hardship.
  2. To solve for this problem, United Way of King County is hiring 100 Summer VISTAs to staff Summer Meals sites across your city. Summer site staff provide free, healthy food, educational programming and a summer of fun for all kids, always free of cost.

If you’re looking for a summer job or launching a career in non-profit work, this is a great opportunity to gain experience, make some money and serve your community.

I’m asking for your help to bridge this gap.

United Way of King County is actively hiring young people to staff these high-energy summer sites. Summer VISTAs serve from June 21 – August 26, receive a living stipend and a $1,200 scholarship, and gain professional experience with site partners including the City of Seattle, the YMCA, community agencies and key food banks across King County.

Do you know someone who would be a great addition to our team?

  1. Just forward this email to individuals, classes or groups you work with.
  2. Refer an individual, program, or department you’d like us to reach out to, or
  3. Take a minute to share our FacebookTwitteror LinkedIn blurb.

Applying is easy:

  1. Complete your Fuel Your Future Summer application at
  2. Mark your calendar. Candidates who submit applications by Thursday may be invited for our Saturday morning and Monday evening group interviews. We’re hiring fast!
  3. Bring a friend. New experiences are best with a buddy. Invite a teammate, classmate or friend to interview with you and join the team. For each successful candidate you refer, you’ll get a ticket in our $200 Target gift card raffle.

Kids and families are counting on us in 2017. Can I please count on your help to spread the word? 


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