Volunteer Middle School Mentoring Opportunity

Helping people, changing lives. Become a mentor today! 
Middle school is a tough time for youth. This time of transition is filled with multiple changes, increased responsibility, increased peer pressure, lack of motivation and puberty. This is also when youth are building their self-esteem and their confidence. Many students are going through these changes alone, as they aren’t trusting their parents/guardians with as much, yet this is when they love friends and need the most authentic support.Here is where you step in. As a volunteer mentor, you are that friend and support system. Through spending time together, having fun and enjoying each other, your student will become more confident and comfortable in their own skin. Our youth will also be exposed to your life and experiences, which many times are different than those in their home life. As a mentor, you will spend time with your youth twice a month. Even if you are busy, if you have a free 4 hours a month, you can make a difference.

A key part of our program is building a community for our youth, so along with the one-on-one time spent with you, everyone attends monthly program sponsored outings. While these outings seem just to be fun outings, they have a large learning component, such as discussions about body image, bullying, communication, and other topics that middle school youth are experiencing. These outings are scheduled once a month, and vary in location and day to give variety to the group and scheduling.

If you think back to your middle school experience, how would you have benefited from a mentor? Sign up for more information and you could give a middle school youth the love, support, and friendship they need.

For more information, contact Julia at 206-819-6416 or at, or see


Julia Hodges
Executive Director
Empower Mentoring Program


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