Free DACA Renewal Scholarships Available NOW


The last week has been trying for our community especially as we face a deadline that is less than three weeks away. We have fantastic news from one of our trusted national partners, Mission Asset Fund (MAF).

In 2012, MAF collaborated with 21 Progress on our first 150 DACA assistance loans in Washington State. Now, MAF is offering free DACA renewal scholarships.

Simply apply at and MAF will send a check already written out to USCIS for payment of DACA renewal. This is not a loan and no one will be asked to pay the money back. The deadline to renew DACA is October 5 for eligible participants, so apply for this scholarship as soon as possible.

Since 2015, MAF has provided $5 million dollars in financial assistance to immigrants as a nonprofit. In the past, this took the form of lending circles – now they have switched to DACA renewal scholarships.

Due to the urgent DACA deadline, Mission Asset Funds has received enough funding to cover every DACA renewal in the United States for free.

Mission Asset Funds is committing to sending the scholarship through priority mail within 48 hours of receiving your DACA renewal scholarship application, if eligible.
If you have any concerns about your DACA renewal, legal clinics are available to help you with your application. You can find a list for Washington state here: and
Step 1: Complete your DACA renewal application (get help at a legal clinic) if your DACA expires on or before March 5 to be eligible for a renewal.

Step 2: Apply for a free DACA renewal scholarship at LC4DACA.ORG.

Step 3: Send your application to USCIS before October 5 according to your state here:
IMPORTANT: Scholarship applications must be fully completed. Please answer every question.
Please share this information widely! We want to reach as many people as possible. No one should miss the renewal deadline due to financial concerns. These scholarships are for the entire United States of America.
WASHINGTON: If you have any questions about this process or problems during your application, please email us at If you are outside of Washington state, please contact MAF directly: (888) 274-4808


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