WCPC Seminar on Nov. 6th – Adrian Huerta, “Using Latino Males’ Written Narratives to Learn Their Hopes and Dreams for Others”

West Coast Poverty Center (WCPC) Seminar:

“Using Latino Males’ Written Narratives to Learn Their Hopes and Dreams for Others”

Adrian Huerta

Provost’s Postdoctoral Scholar, Pullias Center for Higher Education

University of Southern California

Monday, November 6th

Social Work Building, Room 305A

12:30 – 1:30 pm

(Q&A until 2:00 pm)

Abstract: This study examines how marginalized Latino male middle and high school youth provide written advice to other male loved ones. Written consejos and testimonios, supplemented with participant observations and interviews, illustrate how the young men hold high aspirations and hopes for others in their lives. Their discourse highlights the importance of considering the possible consequences of actions and behaviors in school and the community, as well as the need to plan for the future. This analysis suggests that Latino boys and young men in K-12 need more outlets to share and explore their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations.


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