Interviewing Skills Job Search Workshop – Tuesday, 11/14 at 5pm, RSVP by 11/10

Do you have an interviews coming up this year or next year or sometime in your life? Want to feel more prepared?

We currently have 8 people signed up for the Interviewing Skills for your Social work Job Search workshop, scheduled for next Tuesday. The presenter, Alison, would prefer to have at least 10-15 people signed up in order to run the workshop. If you’d like to participate, please sign up by this Friday so I can confirm or cancel this workshop as needed. I hope we can run it since Alison’s workshops have been helpful in the past!

“Inteviewing Skills for your Social Work Job Search” 

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14,  5-5:50pm

The School of Social Work has arranged for Alison S. McCarty, Senior Career Counselor from the UW Career Center, to present a workshop for us. To participate, RSVP here.


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