Need Health Insurance? Workshops for SSW students 11/15 and 11/17 – please RSVP by 11/13

If you still need to sign up for or renew your health insurance for 2018, there are a couple opportunities to do so next week. We have found a professional health insurance broker to come and do a free workshop for BASW and MSW students. Her name is Mary Athappilly and she has a lot of experience helping people with both Apple Health enrollment as well as the individual plans purchased through the ACA Health Plan Finder marketplace.


The workshops will be:

  • Wednesday, November 15th, 5-6pm
  • Friday, November 17th, 12-1pm


Mary will give a 10ish minute presentation on the enrollment process and then there will be work time on computers for you to complete your online application. If you get out of class at 5:20 or 12:20, it’s fine to come halfway. Mary will repeat the brief presentation for those who come halfway. You can also leave early if needed.


If you’re interested in coming, please sign up here by Monday, November 13th. Let me know if you have questions! Details on attached flier.


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