Washington DC internships – summer deadline 2/21

Are you interested in doing an internship in Washington, D.C. and earning UW credit?


The Washington Center (TWC) runs an internship program in Washington, D.C., that is open to all UW undergraduates in all majors and provides comprehensive service, including internship placement and housing. Placements include government agencies, corporations, nonprofits, museums, arts organizations, and international organizations. Hundreds of UW students have participated in this program since UW’s affiliation in 1977, and many made connections that led to post-degree employment.


WA State residents receive a $2500 scholarship from TWC and may be eligible for additional TWC scholarships to help defray the cost of attending. UW international students and residents of other states receive a $1000 scholarship and overall pay less for this program than the estimated cost of attending UW for a quarter. Additional discounts may be available for students interested in the autumn or spring semester programs.


TWC’s facilities are accessible to students who have disabilities. In addition, their Disability Services Coordinator will assist with accommodation at the internship and programming sites.


These are the upcoming application deadlines (for a full list of organizations that have earlier deadlines see

Summer 2018 (10 weeks), Priority*: 2/21/18, Regular: 3/14/18

Autumn 2018 (15 weeks), Priority*: 4/18/18, Regular: 5/16/18

Spring 2019 (15 weeks), Priority*: 10/17/18, Regular: 11/14/18

* Priority deadline is for scholarships above the minimum guaranteed


Regardless of your major, there is an internship in D.C. for you! Whether you want to do an internship this year or in three years, come to an information session to learn more.


Contact me, Meera Roy, for an appointment (available online at — you can change the week at the top of the screen–or you can email me for an appointment time). Information is also available at TWC’s website,



Meera E. Roy

Director of Academic Services and UW Liaison to The Washington Center Political Science Department Smith Hall, Room 215




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