Infant and Childhood Trauma forum – Feb. 6th

I wanted to share with you details about our upcoming community Forum as I thought the topic might be of interest to you and your networks.  The title is, “Infant and Early Childhood Trauma:  Core Concepts and Tools to Build Resilience,” and will feature Dr. Chandra Ghosh Ippen, a leading expert in complex childhood trauma from University of California at San Francisco. It will be held on Tuesday, February 6th, at the Washington State Convention Center.  Dr. Ghosh Ippen is an engaging presenter who can take science/research and translate it into what all of us can understand.

A little about our community Forums:  NWCF Forums bring together stakeholders in child welfare – parents, educators, researchers, health care professionals, service providers, first responders, legal professionals, public servants, and more – to share exciting new research and interventions, learn from each other, and forge partnerships to maximize our collective impact on our community’s children.   This year we are expecting 450 + people to learn and work together to address the topic of childhood trauma, an issue we believe is one of our region’s more urgent public health issues.

Attached is a colorful flyer.  Below is a PNG image that can be easily forwarded and here’s a link to the Facebook event –

NWCF 2018 Forum Flyer


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