Health Equity Circle: Student Health Care – Feb. 15th at 6pm

Health Equity Circle Listening Action: Student Health Care

  • Did you know that UW had student health insurance as recently as 2014?
  • Are you worried about being able to access and afford health care?
  • Unable to find a doctor or clinic that accepts your insurance?
  • Worried about access to mental health care?

Add your voice!

Attend this student-organized listening action and share your story. Contribute to an emerging UW-wide campaign about student health care access. We’ll have a teach-in about student health care for the first few minutes of the event, followed by an opportunity for you to share stories about the pressures you face in healthcare access.

February 15, 2018

6:00 – 7:00 PM

South Campus Center 301

RSVP here:

Questions? Contact or the campaign directly at

To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services office at (206) 543 6450 (voice), (206) 543-6452 (TTY), (206) 685-7264 (FAX), or, preferably 10 days in advance of event.


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