Paid Fellowship for MSW graduating students – appl due 3/12

The Center of Excellence in Substance Addiction Treatment and Education (CESATE)

of the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle

announces openings for the

Interprofessional Fellowship in Substance Use Treatment

1-year full-time advanced training in substance use treatment

The goal of the Interprofessional Fellowship is to provide clinical and didactic experiences through which recent professional graduates from several clinical disciplines become more skilled in working therapeutically with individuals with substance use disorders and become more familiar with the unique contributions that their professional disciplines provide.

A biopsychosocial model of substance use disorders provides the rationale for the Addiction Treatment Center’s interprofessional team approach.  As such, it encourages staff to consider physiological, psychological, behavioral, and sociocultural factors in the assessment, treatment planning, and therapy processes.

We expect to have positions for two Social Workers for the 2018-2019 year.  All fellows must be U.S. citizens.  The fellowship begins Sept. 04, 2018.

* Social Workers must have completed a Master’s Degree from a School of Social Work accredited by the Council on Social Work education.  

*Applications are due March 12th, 2018.

We expect to select fellows within six weeks of the mailing deadline.

The Fellowship is Directed by John S. Baer, Ph.D.

For Application materials:


               Call: 206-764-2608

Interprofessional Fellowship Program


VA Puget Sound HCS

1660 S. Columbian Way

Seattle, Washington  98108


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