
You’ve been invited to participate in a research study!

Click this link or copy it into your web browser to participate in the study:

The person sending you this email is in no way related to the study other than by simply forwarding this message along.

Participation involves a 10-15 minute multiple-choice questionnaire regarding your sexual experiences. If you complete the questionnaire, you are eligible to be part of a random drawing for 1 of 5 Amazon gift cards (one worth $100, two worth $50, and two worth $20) as a way to thank you for your participation.

If you are interested in participating, you can click on the above link where you will receive more information on the study and be asked to go over a consent form. After going over the consent form and agreeing to it, you will be able to fill out the questionnaire. You can fill out the questionnaire anytime between now and February 24th, 2018.

Your responses will be anonymous; there is no way for anyone to know who filled out the questionnaire. Your participation is entirely voluntary; you may skip any questions that you do not want to answer. At the end of the questionnaire, you will be directed to a completely different website where you will be asked to input your UW email so that you can be part of the random drawing. Your questionnaire responses will not be capable of being traced to your UW email in any way.

My name is Tomás Narvaja, and I am the lead investigator for a UW IRB approved study being done on UW students’ sexual experiences being conducted in conjunction with Dr. Nancy Kenney, who’s an associate professor within the Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies department here at UW. If you have any questions, concerns, or want to learn more about our study, you can contact me by phone at (425) 516-2512 or by email at You can also contact Dr. Nancy Kenney by phone at (206) 543-2563 or by email at


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