Spring 2018 Course: “Masspersonal” Health Communication

COM 597 A: “Masspersonal” Health Communication Graduate Seminar (5)

Spring 2018, T/Th, 3:30-5:20, CMU 242

This course seeks to introduce students to theory and practice in the field of health communication from mass and interpersonal perspectives. Students will read and interrogate health communication models and apply them to understanding and addressing health issues that impact individuals and communities. The seminar will be co-taught by two communication scholars and researchers. Dr. Carmen Gonzalez is a media scholar who applies mass communication and technology theories to understand and address health disparities. Dr. John Crowley is an interpersonal scholar who investigates the physiology of communication messages, particularly as it relates to discrimination. Interested students are encouraged to contact Drs. Gonzalez ( and Crowley ( for further information regarding this course.

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