Women’s Leadership Institute on UW campus – apply by April 15th


I am reaching out to Student Organizations and Campus Departments who might have students interested in applying for the 2018 Alene Moris National Education for Women’s (NEW) Leadership Institute

Every year, the University of Washington Women’s Center hosts a 6-day institute for undergraduate and graduate student women to provide them with skills and training to become leaders in their communities. The NEW Leadership Institute wants to improve women’s representation in leadership positions across all sectors.

We are looking for applicants from all over Washington. The Institute is open to undergraduate and graduate student women who are attending a higher education institution in Washington State. Housing will be arranged for participants who live outside of Seattle.

Please pass this information along to any interested women in your community. The more applicants we receive, the better the program can be.

Below are links to additional information about the Institute. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. You can reach me by email at or by phone at (206) 685-1090.

Apply or nominate a woman for the Institute!

NEW Leadership website

Important dates:
Deadline to apply – April 15, 2018, at 11:59 pm
Institute Dates – June 18 – 23, 2018

Spencer Showalter
NEW Leadership 2018 Coordinator


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