International Development and Nonprofit Management Certificates: Application Deadline 4/15/18

Applications for the International Development and Nonprofit Management Certificate programs are due Sunday, April 15, 2018. All current UW graduate students from any campus are welcome to apply, to complete the program during the 2018-19 academic year. Please share this information with any interested students!

The International Development Policy and Management Certificate program (IDCP) offers students a foundation for addressing complex questions of poverty and development. The certificate requires that students complete 9 credits of core course material and two electives that cover areas or methods focused on international development. Each student creates a portfolio and short analytic paper reflecting upon the key learning experiences of the program.

The Nonprofit Management Certificate program (NMCP) gives students the tools and framework needed to meet the increasing challenges facing the nonprofit sector today. The program provides students with fundamental knowledge of the nonprofit sector through one core course and four elective courses.  Each student creates a portfolio and short analytic paper reflecting upon the key learning experiences of the program.


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