Outstanding Clinical Practice Paper MSW Award ($250) – Due May 18, 2018

The Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work (WSSCSW) each year awards two upcoming MSW graduates for outstanding papers. Please see below for details and information on how to apply.

WSSCSW 2018 Outstanding Student Paper Award

A part of our mission is to support and promote high standards of practice for those entering the profession. To this end we offer the Outstanding Student Paper Award to Washington State masters level social work students in their graduating year.

To the strongest paper submitted we are offering a Grand Prize of $250, plus a 1 year membership to WSSCSW and 1 year free entry to all Professional Development events. For the runner up prize we are offering $150, plus a 1 year membership to WSSCSW and 1 year free entry to all Professional Development events. Both winners will be mentioned at their graduation, and in the WSSCSW Newsletter and annual party.

Entries must be clinical practice papers that contain both clinical case material and discussion of theory that applies to the understanding and treatment of the case presented. The paper or project must be presented in an integrated, cogent way that shows the practical application of theoretical ideas. Your paper or project can (and probably should) be a paper or project you wrote for a class.

Writing should be clearly and professionally written, well organized, and demonstrate appropriate grammar, syntax, etc.

Papers should be in double-spaced 12 point font, no more than 10 pages long, and must conform to APA formatting standards.

Entries must contain a 1-page cover page detailing ?Why I Want to Be a Clinical Social Worker.?

Entries must be received via email by 18 May 2018.

Questions and entry submissions: Theresa Rogers, Associates Chair:


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