Paid focus group about stress for trans/non-binary folks – posted 4/17/18

Paid focus group about stress for trans/non-binary folks, please forward/share freely

Hi folks! My name is Vern (they) and I am a social work doc student at UW. I am helping out Natasha out with her dissertation study. She is a Psych student in California who works with trans clients and does trans advocacy work. We are recruiting trans/enby etc folks for focus groups, and you will be compensated for your time. Feel free to let trans/enby friends know about this 🙂 I know that we are burdened with research studies because we’re ‘trendy’ all of a sudden, but I truly believe in this project, am a real live trans person myself, and the time is compensated with a stipend and snacks.

The information gathered by this study will be used to inform practitioners (by way of poster/conference presentation and paper publication) about the ways trans folks experience stress. I am also committed to making sure research findings are accessible to community members and organizations, so always find alternative ways to make information accessible (primarily through my website and resources I create that are publicly available, classes I teach, organizations I volunteer or consult with, etc). Additionally, community/academic partners are shown on the flier. Natasha and I are both happy to answer any questions about the study, how the information will be used, etc–as she’s the lead, I might defer to her, depending on the question/concern.

Seeking Trans and Non-Binary Adults for Interview Study

Do you identify as trans, non-binary or genderqueer?
Are you comfortable talking to a group about your experiences with stress?
 Would you like to help with a dissertation research project?

This study involves one 2-2.5 hour visit to the Equal Rights Washington office in Seattle in early May. Participants are offered $25 payment for their time spent in a focus group discussion.

To be eligible, you must: 1) Identify as transgender
and/or non-binary/genderqueer (see note below); 2) Be at least 18 years of age; 3) Speak, read, and write in English.

For more information please contact:
Natasha Gadinsky, (415) 964-0362,

*If you are unsure if this includes you, please call Natasha Gadinsky to ask.

Independent Contact: If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the Stanford Institutional Review Board (IRB) to speak to someone independent of the research team at (650)-723-5244 or toll free at 1-866-680-2906.


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