Neah Bay Pipeline Project coordinator needed for 2018-19 – posted 5/18/18

Would you like to lead the Neah Bay cohort of UW undergraduates for 2018 – 2019?
Would you like to travel to Neah Bay twice during the year and work with a class of 5th grade Makah students on a project entitled:

Telling Our Stories: Imagining Our Futures?
Deadline has been extended to May 24th.
For more information and a link to the application.  Link is here.

Any questions?  Contact:  Christine Stickler at

Note to MSW students – this is designed as an undergraduate role.  If you’re an MSW student and want to use credits toward your elective requirement, I can work with you to see if you can do a 500-level independent study for this work.  You can take up to 3 credits of Soc W 599 towards your elective requirement.  ~Lin


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