Propose a Teaching for Social Justice Workshop! – posted 5/7

Dear Northwest Teaching for Social Justice friends,

As you know, last year’s conference in Seattle was a joyful, inspiring, and thought-provoking gathering — with about 1,350 educators from around the Northwest. Next fall, we’ll be back in Portland, and anticipate another great event — Saturday, October 20th. Details at Please mark your calendar.

We are thrilled that our keynote speaker will be Winona LaDuke, longtime activist, writer, and executive director of Honor the Earth. LaDuke lives at the Ojibwe White Earth Reservation in Minnesota. She was featured in the new full-length documentary, First Daughter and the Black Snake.

I’m writing to encourage you to consider submitting a workshop proposal for the conference. Go to and look in the “Workshops” column. If you encounter problems or have questions, write


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