Mental Health Support “Let’s Talk.” On campus (posted 9/21/18)

My name is Iris Song, Psy.D., and I am one of the psychologists at the Counseling Center and one of the Let’s Talk counselors. As the academic year is starting, I just wanted to remind you of the Let’s Talk program. Please keep Let’s Talk in mind for students who may have a difficult time getting to Hall Health Mental Health or the Counseling Center, but would benefit from a consultation with mental health practitioners.

Meetings are confidential and can be anonymous, but are not a replacement for counseling/therapy/psychiatry. Please help us spread the word!

 Let’s Talk.  Drop-in consultation with a counselor, a collaboration between the Counseling Center and Hall Health Center

  • Tuesdays 2-4pm with Iris Song at the Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center
  • Wednesdays 2-4pm with Kate Fredenberg at the Q Center in the HUB
  • Offered during the 10 weeks of each quarter.


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