Recruiting Students for PSY 571 – Posted on 9/11/18

My name is Ellie Qian and I am a Research Coordinator at the Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences. I am writing to see if we could get your help with recruiting students for Psych 571 Fall Course on Parenting Interventions. No one has registered so far, so if you could spread the message to your department as well as students who might be interested, we would really appreciate it! I’ve had the instructor, Dr. Won-Fong Lau Johnson, prepare a description of the class below. It is open to all disciplines, but they do need to email Dr. Johnson directly for registration approval and an add code.

* The upcoming PSYCLIN 571 course for Fall 2018 will provide students with an in-depth, hands-on introduction to evidence-based, parenting interventions for use with children and families. The course will use the Helping the Noncompliant Child textbook to provide a solid foundation in evidence-based parenting approaches such as Parent-Child Interaction Therapy and The Incredible Years.  Students will learn the fundamentals of how to assess and treat behavioral problems in children and work with parents.  The course will also focus on adaptations to match client presentation, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status, and treatment setting. This course will include an integration of theory and practice.  A significant part of the course will involve opportunities for practice (e.g., role-plays, modeling in the classroom in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Practicing skills as homework will also be encouraged.  A goal of the class is for students to achieve competency on a subset of the skills via in-class skills demonstrations, and feedback from both the instructor and students will be given.  Still have questions? Please contact the course instructor, Won-Fong Lau Johnson at *


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