Nominate phenomenal UW staff for the Distinguished Staff Award (Posted on 8/10/18)

Please help us recognize wonderful staff members who go above and beyond with a nomination for the Distinguished Staff Award. Each year, this award acknowledges those whose widespread impact betters our University and those it serves. This award is the UW’s highest staff honor.

You can nominate an individual or a team of up to eight staff members for the award. Tell us about colleagues or mentors who have made significant contributions to your University experience — and set the standard for excellence, passion and collaboration for our UW community.

Learn more and submit nominations on the Distinguished Staff Award website by Friday, Nov. 16 at 5 p.m.

Every nominee is celebrated at the Distinguished Staff Award Reception in late February and up to five individuals or team nominees will be selected for a $5,000 award presented at the University’s Awards of Excellence ceremony in June.

All classified and professional staff who hold a 50% or greater regular appointment and have been employed at the UW for a minimum of six months as of Nov.16 are eligible. Please direct any questions about the award process to

Thank you for your help to acknowledge our hardworking staff members.


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