VIVA Meet Up – 12/12/18


My name is Ana Magaña, I am an MSW second year-day student who identifies as Mexican American.

Last year I was part of the VIVA group and would love to continue connecting with other Latinx identified folks (BSW, MSW, PhD, faculty, staff and anyone who’d like to join) and is part of the UW School of Social Work community.

¿Que es VIVA?  What is VIVA?

VIVA is an affinity Latinx group that works to amplify the voice, visibility, and skills of Latinx students at the School of Social Work. My hope for this meet up is to connect with you, share our experiences and create a space where we can support and grow together.

I’d love to meet up on Wednesday December 12 at Big Time Brewery at 6pm (which is close to campus) para platicar de todo and relajarnos. I’d like to get to know you to create a community among us and see what we all come up with for a more structured schedule to meet up more often next quarter.

Email me with any questions porfavor, and if you can’t make it – email me @ with your contact information to connect with you 😄


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