Volunteer Teaching with Somali Refugee- begins January 2019

A new tutoring program developed in collaboration with Somali Community Services of Seattle (SOMCSS) is seeking volunteer tutors to begin in January, 2019. This program recently received grant funding through the Department of Neighborhoods.

This will be an opportunity to gain teaching experience and be of service to a rich and diverse community. In addition, some leadership/management opportunities are available to those who are interested.

The program will start with an orientation/training session tentatively scheduled for January 12, and extend through May/June of 2019. Additional program details are as follows:

SCHEDULING: An initial orientation/training lasting 3-4 hours is currently scheduled for Saturday, January 12. Thereafter, tutors will meet once weekly with assigned students for 1-2 hours. Scheduling of tutoring sessions will be done to accommodate both tutor and student schedules.

ACTIVITIES: Tutors are highly encouraged to attend the initial orientation, run by Northwest Educational Services, which will cover topics including the psychology/neuroscience behind learning, growth mindset, best practices for interacting with students, and behavioral change strategies. Each tutor will be paired with 1-2 students in elementary or middle school, who the tutor will work with individually for ~1 hr each week. Tutors will assist students with school work and serve as a friendly partner/mentor in education. Preparation time outside of tutoring sessions will be minimal. Tutors will also be welcome to attend educational/social events such as a museum field trip.

LOCATION: The initial tutor orientation/training will be held on the UW campus (room TBD). Tutoring sessions will take place at the the SOMCSS community center in South Seattle, next to the Rainier Beach Lite Rail station.

REIMBURSEMENT: While this is a volunteer position, tutors will receive $120 to cover transportation costs.

If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact Hanna Freeman, a medical student leading the program, at


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