Family Therapy Institute: The Ackerman Relational Approach – 5/17-5/18

Hello SSWers,

I am on the board of the Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work and I am excited about spreading the word about the upcoming WSSCSW spring conference because it is hard to come by good family therapy training. The trainer is coming in from the Ackerman Institute in New York to offer this workshop. Choose between attending the full day or a day and a half of family therapy institute learning the Ackerman Relational Approach. Throughout the training, attention will be paid to how issues of class, race, gender and culture impact the therapeutic relationship and family struggles.

Day 1, Friday, May 17th will focus on implementing the ideas from family systems theory into your therapeutic approach to work more effectively with children, families, and couples with complex struggles.
Day 2, Saturday, May 18th will focus on treating children and families who have experienced relational trauma and therapeutic model to help heal these relational wounds.

See the information below or see the attached flyer. You can register here:


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