GWSS & Pop Culture Talk With Amy Peloff – 2/28

Please join us today for Amy Peloff’s talk!


Thursday, February 28, 2019

3:30-5:00 p.m. – HUB 214 (Husky Union Building)

Amy Peloff, Ph.D.  –  Should I still Watch This Show? Pop Culture in the #MeToo Era


In the wake of the #MeToo movement, in which dozens of high-profile individuals in the entertainment industry have been accused of harassment or abuse, many of us are asking: “Should I still be watching this?”

Explore the cultural and economic issues inherent in consuming entertainment made by people whose behaviors we find questionable, distasteful, or even criminal. Media and feminism scholar Amy Peloff will ask important questions including: How do we weigh the cultural value of art against the behavior of the individual creating it? What do we think accountability in the #MeToo movement should look like? Do the decisions we make around our pop culture consumption even matter?

Join us for a conversation about the value of art and entertainment—and the value of being held to account.

*Contains mature themes.

Amy Peloff is an affiliate assistant professor of gender, women, and sexuality studies at the University of Washington. Her writing on feminism has encompassed a variety of pop culture topics from Dolly Parton to Doctor Who, and she continually studies the ways in which ideas about identities are created, presented, and shared through media and entertainment.


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