Spring Course ECFS 499 B: Nature Centered Play & Learning in Early Childhood Education

nature centered play and learning in early childhood education 

  • How does outdoor nature play contribute to holistic child development?
  • How are educators drawing upon natural environments in their work with young children?
  • What strategies and practices can educators incorporate into their learning contexts to support children’s engagement in outdoor nature play?
  • How can educators center equity and justice in their work with young children outdoors?

This seminar will engage students in dialogue about the opportunities, constraints, and possibilities of nature-centered early learning for supporting all young children in building relationships in and with nature for child, community, and ecological well-being. 

  • Please complete this form to register for the seminar:
  • contact Mary Clevenger-Bright ( or Rachel Han ( with any questions! 
  • For one credit: weekly readings and activities, observation at a nature preschool program, and participation in a workshop on Saturday, April 27th
  • For two credits: in addition to the above, write a 3-5 page synthesis paper


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