Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work Student Paper Awards – SUBMIT BEFORE 4/1


Submit your best clinical social work writing to the annual Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work student paper awards.

The Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work is an organization of clinical social workers practicing in a variety of settings, including mental health clinics, family service agencies, hospitals and medical clinics and private practices. The WSSCSW offers its members continuing educational opportunities, legislative advocacy including lobbying, network and professional growth opportunities and special programs for new professionals.

Two student papers are chosen each year as winners. You do not need to be a member to submit or to win. Winning papers are published in the WSSCSW online magazine (with a byline about you!) and student winners are awarded a cash prize, a year of membership in the WSSCSW, and are acknowledged at the annual WSSCSW member’s dinner in June.

Details: You must be a current social work student of a BASW or MSW program in Washington State. Your paper should be less than 12 pages (you can edit a longer paper to less than 12 pages) on a topic relevant to clinical social work. Papers will be reviewed by a committee of social worker volunteer readers and winners will be notified in May. You can submit your paper anytime before April 1, 2019. Submit by emailing a PDF of your paper, along with your contact information, to with the subject line: 2019 student paper award


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