Anti-Racism White Allyship Group- Spring quarter meetings every Friday at 2:45pm


Next Meeting

This Friday, April 12, 2:45 – 3:45 PM 

Research Commons 2/3

Anti-Racism White Allyship Group (ARWAG) will be meeting during spring quarter every Friday from 2:45-3:45PM in Research Commons 2/3.

Snacks will be provided!

What is ARWAG?
 ARWAG (Anti-Racism White Allyship Group) is a democratic collective of members who identify as benefiting from white privilege that serves as a supportive and challenging space and resource for students, faculty and staff to examine race, racism, white privilege, white fragility and our roles in racial justice. This is done in an effort to make classroom and other shared spaces more productive for all.

What does ARWAG do? ARWAG works to be a space for reflection and accountability during the discovery and continued work of examining one’s white privilege. This space is created in attempts to mitigate recreating trauma when folks of color and multi-racial folks are forced to bear witness to that process. This is not a space for people to feel coddled in their white feelings, but instead a space where we strive to move through feelings of discomfort, shame, and hold each other accountable to actively fighting white supremacy. We believe “ally” is not an identity one can claim but rather behaviors and actions that can be learned and strengthened.

Who can come? People of all identities are welcome to attend meetings. ARWAG acknowledges that an individual’s discovery of their own white privilege has the potential to recreate trauma when folks of color and multi-racial folks are forced to bear witness to that process. Because this group would like to see this happen less and less in the classroom and other shared school spaces ARWAG discussions often center ways for individuals who hold white privilege to challenge their own privilege and comfort. The intention of creating this space is not to reinforce painful histories or modern legacies of colonialism, slavery, segregation and institutional racism, but we acknowledge that it is very much a risk.

Not sure if this group is for you or not a good time to meet? A member of the group is more than happy to meet one-on-one at the School of Social Work or over coffee to talk further about the group or your own journey and how we can be of support. Reply to this email or reach out to one of the leaders to set up a one-on-one meeting.

Questions or Concerns? Contact Liz ( or Amanda (

Follow this link to be added to the ARWAG listserv. Also check out our Facebook group.


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