Brotherhood Initiative Cohort 3 Recruitment

The Brotherhood Initiative is currently recruiting for our third cohort of incoming African American, Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander, and Southeast Asian males. I know that many of you are engaging with recently admitted students in various capacities including to encourage to commit to come to the UW this Fall. I am hoping that you can share with these males of color information about the Brotherhood Initiative, that our application for our next cohort is currently open, and encourage them to apply for this invaluable resource on the UW Seattle. More information about the Brotherhood Initiative and our application process can be found by heading to our application website  found here. I have also attached our recruitment flyer to this email. Please feel free to print or email out to men of color you believe will benefit from the Brotherhood Initiative. Our application deadline is May 1st and our selection process will take place through the month of May.

If you or any students that you speak to about the Brotherhood Initiative have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or 206-616-3131.

Brotherhood Initiative Flyer


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