Khmer New Year Show

The Khmer New Year Show is hosted by UW Khmer Student association to celebrate Khmer New Year and the Cambodian heritage. The show will take place at the HUB ballroom, Saturday April 27th from 5 PM to 10 PM. There will be dance and skit performances throughout the show. Food and refreshments are provided. UW and non-UW students came together to prepare the show. We have spent the last few months practicing and organizing the show. I am teaching one of the dances. I will also be performing one of the folk dances this year.

The goals of this show are to preserve Khmer culture, raise cultural awareness and connect with the community. We want to showcase our Khmer culture and heritage. We want to expand our presence on campus and represent the Khmer community at UW to encourage Southeast Asian youths to pursue higher education.

Tickets will be sold in Red Square everyday from 11 AM to 3 PM. It is $15 for UW students and faculty, and $20 for non-UW attendees. We are also in need of volunteers for the show. Admission will be free for volunteers. The only requirement is that they completed the food permit, which takes less an hour to complete, before the show.


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