Creating Co-Regulation Supports for Adolescents: What, Why, and How Webinar FREE on May 20th

Creating Co-Regulation Supports for Adolescents: What, Why, and How

Date: Monday, May 20

Time: 3:00-4:00 PM Eastern  (12-1 Pacific)

Click here to register

Description: The term “co-regulation” has typically referred to younger children, but is now being broadly applied to describe an interactive process of support within the context of caring relationships across the lifespan. Like early childhood, early adolescence is a time of rapid brain growth, with the opportunity to build long-term perspective and problem-solve increasingly complex life situations. 

Although peers become increasingly important during adolescence, youth still need caring adults who can listen supportively, model and reinforce healthy coping strategies, provide space and support when they experience strong feelings, and help them reflect on how well their strategies are helping them attain important goals. Adolescence is a critical time for co-regulation support. Unfortunately, most prevention programs for adolescent self-regulation do not train parents and teachers to systematically and intentionally utilize such strategies in day-to-day interactions with youth. 

This webinar will present a co-regulation model for adolescents that was developed based on cross-disciplinary theory and literature reviews. The initial work on this model was supported by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) through the creation of the Self-Regulation and Toxic Stress Series. 

The presentation will: 
– provide ACF’s rationale for this work; 
– describe the co-regulation model and how it can be translated into specific actions; and 
– address how co-regulation approaches are similar to and differ from parent education and therapy programs, how they can be integrated into existing programs, and how they can promote well-being on a public health scale.

– Desiree Murray, Senior Research Scientist, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
– Aleta Meyer, Team Lead, Division of Family Strengthening, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families 
– Aly Frei, Project Director, Public Strategies 


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