SSW Writing Center: Congrats & Summer Appointments (Posted 6/4/19)

Hey all,

The year is almost over! Congratulations to all of you graduating and for the rest of us continuing on, congratulations as well – we’ll get through the next year(s) somehow.

We wanted to reach out because if you are working on projects this summer, for fun, scholarships, class, anything, the Writing Center still has appointments, virtual and in-person. If you want to work on something with a writing tutor this summer, email to request an appointment and we’ll set up a time to meet with you!

Good luck with these final two weeks!

Take care

On behalf of the Writing Team at the UW School of Social Work:

Abby Aparicio

Alisa Tirado Strayer

June Simon

To schedule an appointment with a Writing Consultant, please follow a link to their scheduling page by clicking on their name, or email us at



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