NASW Workshop, “Accepting the Challenge for Diversity, Cultural Awareness and Inclusion” 09/06/19

“Accepting the Challenge for Diversity, Cultural Awareness and Inclusion”

September 6th, 9-4:30pm

Dr. Stephen Wilson and Dr. Marian Harris

Organized by NASW-WA


Workshop description:

“Social workers provide treatment to clients who are different in culture, race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, political belief, religion, and mental or physical challenges. As professionals with authority and power, social workers have enormous influence on client’s choices and values. Therefore, it is the professional responsibility of social workers to have the knowledge and skill to identify and include any facet of diversity in assessment and treatment of each client. This interactive session will provide a framework to discuss and understand the significance of diversity, cultural awareness, and inclusion in social work practice. Participants will have an opportunity via a systemic approach to understanding racial inequity as a precursor to break down the different types of diversity elements, inherent and acquired and to understand why it is contrary to the NASW Code of Ethics to engage in social work practice without having cultural awareness. There is an opportunity for participants to broaden their knowledge base and enhance practice skills in managing their biases and monitor how they show up in practice and interaction with clients as well as colleagues. A systemic approach is provided as a frame for discussing and supporting exploration, analysis and gathering wisdom in ways that are communal and collaborative. The presenters will utilize examples from their own research and clinical practice, a video, and experiential activities to encourage dialogue throughout the session. Participants will be strongly encouraged to share examples from their clinical practice. A framework will be provided for discussion about diversity, cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, and inclusion for social work practice with clients who are oppressed and struggling to survive in today’s hostile environment/climate.”


Workshop registration link:

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and if you join while you’re a student, you can pay the substantially reduced “transitional membership” for 2-3 years post graduation.



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