Recruiting MSW Students for our course! – Course starts 10/7/19

We’re co-teaching an interprofessional course this fall and we’re trying to recruit 7-8 MSW students to join our 7-8 medical students for FAMED 527: Interprofessional Care of Urban Underserved Patients.

The course brings together medical and social work students to discuss inter-professional care of medically and socially complex patients in urban underserved settings. Students in the class work in small groups to review case studies, develop care plans, and list available resources. Each week we feature a practicing social worker and a physician who share their experiences, insights, and resources.

If you have students that might be interested, please feel free to forward this announcement and attached flyer. Or, if you have suggestions for listservs or other ways to publicize the course (I believe Lin Murdock has posted it on the SSW blog already), please let me know!

The course starts 10/7 so there’s still time to register, and folks can contact me for add codes,

famed 527(1)


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