Space in URBDP 585 Introduction to Historic Preservation Autumn Quarter – Posted 9/19/19

URBDP 585 Introduction to Historic Preservation
Autumn Quarter
3 credits
Mondays & Wednesday 5:30 – 6:50 PM
Gould 440

Manish Chalana, Ph.D.; Associate Professor, Urban Design and Planning; Adjunct Associated Professor in Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Director: Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation; and Co-Director: Center for Preservation and Adaptive Reuse (C-PAR).

This interdisciplinary course integrates historic preservation with a diverse set of disciplines and engages themes of livability, equity and sustainability. The class will explore the history and theory of historic preservation, changing nature of preservation practice, and current and future challenges the field faces. Historic Preservation in the United States has evolved dramatically over the last four decades from a rather narrow, generally Eurocentric enterprise focusing on high-style monumental architecture, to a more broad based approach to urban design, sustainability, livability and place-making. Today the field attempts integrating discipline as diverse as sociology, museology, geography, anthropology, ecology, landscape architecture and planning. From its patriotic and nostalgic roots the field has become more socially conscious and self-critical, signaling the dawn of a new era of theory and practice

See attachment or email Manish Chalana at for further information.

For information on the Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation see

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