Graduate Certificate in Ethics (and ETHICS 511: Ethics Matters in Winter 2020) – posted 10/9

Dear Graduate Students,

Are you interested in exploring ethical questions within your field of graduate study? Are you interested in exploring ethical questions within your field of graduate study? The Graduate Certificate in Ethics (offered by the Program on Ethics in the Department of Philosophy) is designed for students in all disciplines and can be customized to complement your primary graduate degree program (see attached flyer for summary).

Graduate Certificate in Ethics

The Certificate aims to facilitate graduate research in ethics as it arises across the disciplines. The program is designed to provide students with the necessary groundwork for pursuing ethics scholarship as it relates to their field of study. The curriculum is designed to accommodate diverse student interests and to facilitate cross-disciplinary conversations and scholarship.

Requirements Summary

Students must be currently enrolled in a graduate program at the University of Washington in order to apply to the certificate program and must complete the certificate alongside their primary degree program. Certificate students will choose a Certificate adviser from among the Core Faculty of the Program on Ethics and will complete at least 15 credits, including:

  • One core course (5 credits) – either ETHICS 511: Ethics Matters (offered Winter 2020) or ETHICS 512: Justice Matters (offered Winter 2021)
  • At least 8 additional graduate-level credits in values-laden coursework related to your primary area of study (to be chosen in coordination with your certificate adviser) – Note: core courses of your primary degree program may not be used toward graduate certificates, but up to 6 credits of elective credits may overlap.
  • ETHICS 513: Capstone Workshop (2 credits) – offered each spring quarter, to be taken once all other requirements are completed

We welcome applications to the Graduate Certificate in Ethics from graduate student across the university community.

ETHICS 511: Ethics Matters (Winter 2020)

This course aims to introduce graduate and professional students from a wide range of backgrounds to some common ethical questions and to provide a basic philosophical framework for thinking about related issues that arise within their own disciplines or fields.

Core courses are offered once a year, typically in Winter quarter, alternating years between ETHICS 511 and ETHICS 512, so now is a perfect time to plan on working ETHICS 511 into your Winter 2020 schedule if you’re interested in exploring the certificate program. Students may take ETHICS 511 as a stand-alone course or as part of the certificate program. You may choose to apply to the certificate program after taking the core course if you wish and may count it retroactively.


Please contact me, Britta Anson ( or the Certificate Director Stephen Gardiner ( if you have questions or are interested in certificate program.


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