Healthy Generations Annual Lecture – “Values at the End of Life: The Logic of Palliative Care” on 10/17

October 17, 2019

School of Social Work, Room 305

5:00-5:30 p.m. Registration with light refreshments
5:30-7:00 p.m. Presentation


Over the past forty years, “the end of life” has become the center of extensive economic, policy, ethical, and medical discussions. Health economists measure and evaluate its cost; ethicists debate the morality of various approaches to “end-of-life care”; policymakers ponder alternative “end of life”-related policies; and clinicians apply a specialized approach (hospice and palliative care) to treat patients whom they diagnose as being at “the end of life.” This talk analyzes the proliferation of conversations on “the end of life” as emblematic of a peculiar moment in human history.

Roi Livne is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Michigan. Values at the End of Life will be available for purchase at the event.



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