SSW Writing Center Student Feedback & $10 Starbucks Gift Card! – Deadline 12/14/19

Hi SSW community!

The Writing Tutor team is seeking feedback on our services through this voluntary survey, so that we may make them more responsive to student interest, need, and access. The survey should take 10 minutes or less. Please complete the survey by December 14th.

This survey is designed for ALL students at the School of Social Work, regardless of whether you have used Writing Center services this quarter. We are especially interested in the feedback of students who have not accessed the Writing Center.

All responses are anonymous and will be used to improve our services moving forward, as we hope to integrate your thoughts into our work. After completing the survey, you will be prompted to sign up for a RAFFLE to win a $10 Starbucks gift card to thank you for your participation.

We are grateful for your responses — positive, negative, or otherwise! Thank you for your time.

Thank you,
Your SSW Writing Team


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