Study Abroad Course – Social Works and Human Rights Course (May 27 – June 5)

Social Work and Human Rights
SOCW 478/ SOCW 578 , 3 credits
May 27 – June 5, 2020

Global Seminar:

The School of Social Work at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale is offering a Study Abroad based in Munich, Germany beginning on May 27 to June 5, 2020 .The SIUC School of Social Work has offered this course for 20 years, and students from all over the United States have participated in the course.

The location of Munich and its surroundings add context to the study of human rights, as contemporary human rights arose from tragic events in this part of the world. Students will visit a former concentration camp outside Munich, with this visit illustrating why human rights have become an essential part of our world today. Other field visits focus on HIV/AIDS, homelessness, community mental health, refugees, harm reduction (Switzerland) and elder care.

Participants in the course have the opportunity to explore concepts of human rights that apply to their own experiences, as well as historical events. This course is ideal for undergraduate or graduate students and professionals interested in learning about different approaches to social problems within a human rights context. Students do not need to be social work majors to take this course. The content of the course would be suitable for anyone wanting to learn more about the history and development of human rights.

The program fee is $1650 and this fee includes all necessary transportation relating to the course within Germany, accommodation, and some meals. Participants must arrange and pay for their own airfare or other transportation to Munich. Three hours of course credit is available from Southern Illinois University (in State SIUC tuition applies), which is then transferred to the participant’s home university for credit.  SIUC provides a limited number of scholarships for SIUC students. Financial aid may also be available for the course. Students should consult their own universities for availability of financial aid.

Dr. Elisabeth Reichert, Professor of Social Work at SIUC and author of several books and articles on human rights, will conduct the course. For further details, please contact Dr. Reichert by email at


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