Northlake Tiny House Village – Posted 12/06

As you might remember, the City and LIHI are scheduling the Northlake Tiny House Village for eviction this Monday 12/09, 3 months before their contract with the City is supposed to end and in the middle of Winter. Since Northlake is one of our Outreach sites, and our neighbors, I’m reaching out for 3 urgent asks:

  1. Sign this petition which will be delivered to the Mayor. Deadline to sign is 1pm today:
  1. Join me on Monday at 8am at Northlake Village in solidarity with residents if the city tries to come in and physically evict people. *Happy to answer questions about what this day might look like. We are not expecting the city to use force. If you want to join, you can respond to this email or text me so we can all go together. (630)677-9049.
  1. Share this information with your Seattle networks so we can build as much community support around this as possible.


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