Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy – Winter Quarter class

There are five spaces available in JSIS 578 A, Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy, for winter 2020.

Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy
JSIS 578 A (SLN 16031)
5cr; Mondays 11:30a-2:20p
Chris Seiple

Finding solutions to global challenges demands different perspectives, as well as partnerships among individuals and institutions who do not share the same values. How does one build unity without uniformity across sectors—each of which possess believers and faith-based actors—in order to effectively lead in complicated times? Through theory, case study and the practical experience of both the instructor and the students, this course understands and wrestles with the role of religion in context—at least as an underexamined analytic factor, and perhaps even as tremendous force for the common good – and seeks to teach the skill sets of evaluation (self & contextual), communication, and negotiation as a means to mutual literacy and respect across cultures and countries.


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