MSW Program Office on Supports and Resources for Spring

Community-building Events this Quarter
In order to continue to come together as a community – and to better distribute information to students – we have plans for the following meetings to take place this quarter. Again, please be on the look-out for Canvas notifications announcing these sessions. They will also be added to the Canvas calendar.

  • Graduation meetings: We’ll be hosting meetings for cohorts that will be graduating this year (Day 2, EDP 3) to review important information regarding degree conferment and discuss specific supports needed as you finish the program.
  • Concentration meetings: Day 1 students will be gathering together in your concentrations next month to orient you to your advanced year, talk about transition planning, and discuss next year’s course of study and practicum. Day 2, EDP 2 and EDP 3 students should hear from your individual concentration chairs about online meetings this quarter.
  • SAC event: The “Lightning Talks” that were scheduled for April 3rd will still be happening this quarter! Please be on the lookout for a rescheduled date to be announced soon.
  • Other webinars and workshops: We’re planning other webinars and workshops to address students’ concerns around job searches, self-care, and specific areas of practice. Please share your feedback on additional programming and support you’d like from the School here:

Drop-in Hours
Student Services, the Office of Field Education, and our office will all be hosting virtual drop-in hours. Student Services’ drop-in advising hours are posted on their Canvas homepages for Day and EDP students. OFE and the MSW Program office will send out our drop-in schedules soon.

President Ana Mari Cauce announced yesterday that UW Commencement will be webcast on June 13, 2020. Our School of Social Work celebration will also move online and we’ll be seeking input from students to help us shape a meaningful and connective ceremony. Our planning team will be in touch soon with further information. Graduating students should be sure to attend the EDP 3 and Day 2 cohort meetings that will be scheduled soon in order to learn more.

Summer Quarter
Because UW announced that Summer Term A (minimally) will now take place online, SSW Summer registration will not begin on April 13th as planned. We will be pushing it off at least 2-3 weeks in order to make sure we have enough offerings in the time schedule to meet students’ needs.  The bulk of our summer courses are full-term, so we anticipate most/all will be online.  We are looking at how this will play out for practicum, especially for EDP students starting new placements, and we’ll be adding options to make sure that all of our students will be able to qualify for financial aid and continue progress towards your degrees as we plan.

Additional Resources

  • Conference funding: As the University has suspended travel for students, faculty and staff, we are opening our conference funds to be used for online workshops, webinars, and trainings taking place through June 30th. Please apply here by April 25th to be considered:
  • Online job fairs: Many organizations are moving their social work job fairs online and we’ll continue to share information as we receive it. One large social work job fair is online through today and can be accessed here.
  • Mental health resources: While the University is on modified remote operations, many mental health services will still be offered this quarter from the Counseling Center and Hall Health Mental Health, including one-on-one therapy, groups, and workshops. Additionally, you may find this resource on coping with stress related to COVID-19from the UW Counseling Center helpful. Many community-based services have moved online and are taking new clients as well. Please see a list of organizations here:


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