Psychology Resources for Navigating COVID-19

Resources Impacting You, the Field, and Society

This is an extraordinary time for psychology, for those served by our field, and for all of us as individuals. APA is ensuring that the work of our field is supported, and that we’re addressing the needs of psychologists and society today, and anticipating the issues you will face in the coming months and years.

We are emailing you today to share some of the COVID-19 resources that APA has developed and collected thus far:

Resources for Applied Psychologists

  • Ethical guidance for the COVID-19 era
  • The Journal of Applied Psychology call for papers directly related to the pandemic
  • Psychologists’ advice for remote workers

Telehealth Resources for Psychologists

Resources for Students

  • Free access to the Publication Manual and more than 160 other APA books
  • Student loan management tips during this global pandemic
  • Advice on coping with COVID-19-related stress as a student
  • Webinar series providing expert insight on graduating on time, how to apply for internships, how research is changing and adapting, and more

Resources for Researchers

Resources for Educators

  • Complimentary unit lesson plans for high school psychology teachers
  • Free access to APA teaching/learning resources for educators, such as the Publication Manual and PsycLearn
  • COVID-19 education FAQ’s addressing issues impacting grad students, postdocs, interns and faculty with supervision responsibilities

Impacting the Public

APA is striving to ensure that psychological science is applied to this critical societal challenge and the many issues intertwined into it, such as xenophobia, toxic stress, and crisis leadership. We are working closely with close to 30 international psychological associations from around the world, sharing resources and learning from one another to better serve those in our own communities.

Significant work still lies ahead for APA and the field, but educating and empowering others with psychological knowledge is a critical step towards a safe and healthy future.

Visit their continuously updated COVID-19 resource page for more tools and information.


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