University District Street Medicine (UDSM) Recruiting Two Student Positions – Apply Now

University District Street Medicine (UDSM) is recruiting interested undergraduate or graduate students for two leadership positions for the 2020-21 year.
Apply here

Data Manager:

  • Collect and organize data on hours served, and resources provided at UDSM’s different outreach sites, by compiling tally sheet
  • Communicate pertinent data to UDSM leaders and committees, as well as community partners
  • Oversee production of quarterly and annual reports
  • Review and approve/disapprove proposals to revise data management system

Preceptor Coordinator:

  • Recruit new preceptors via email and project/volunteer events
  • Assist preceptors and UDSM faculty on signing up for VRP (Volunteer & Retired Provider insurance coverage)
  • Monitor UDSM email for preceptor requests
  • Update at leadership meetings

More information and applications can be found on the UDSM website.


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