COVID-19 Storytelling Grant

The King County Mobility Coalition is preparing to apply for a pretty cool grant. As part of the grant application, it is seeking both individuals and community partners to engage in some qualitative storytelling related to the impacts of COVID-19.  Participants will be paid for their participation. Please see below for more information. If you identify with or support the communities they are looking for, I encourage you to get more information. If interested please contact Cassidy Giampetro 

The King County Mobility Coalition is looking to submit an application for the Communities of Opportunity grant funding, Learning from Community Stories: the Impact of COVID-19. This opportunity seeks to tell the stories of communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 through qualitative and quantitative methods, and then develop distribution materials or deliverables to share these stories. The grant is looking for applicants that will use a participatory approach to community engagement, working alongside communities to elevate stories and gain data. We think this is a great extension of our Inclusive Planning efforts, bringing this lens of community-lead partnerships to assess and address needs into the COVID-19 space.

 The research question the KCMC is currently planning around is: how have changes in mobility programs and transit due to COVID-19 helped or hurt access to services for immigrants and refugees? Our intention would also be to intentionally reach elder immigrant and refugee and immigrant and refugee with disabilities populations.

The application for this grant is due very soon, on September 21st. If awarded, the grant would span from November 2020 to December 2021.


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