2021 Luce Indigenous Knowledge Fellowship – Application Deadline 10/22

  • Organization:  First Nations Development InstituteHenry Luce Foundation
  • Award amount: the program will award ten fellowships of $50,000 to outstanding Native knowledge holders and makers engaged in work that benefits Indigenous people and communities in either a reservation and/or urban setting.
  • Deadline: 10/22/2020
  • Description: 2021 Luce Indigenous Knowledge Fellowship is a twelve-month, self-directed enrichment program designed to support the growth, development, knowledge and networks of Indigenous knowledge holders and knowledge makers. The program supports Native knowledge holders and makers as they advance their work and in their field in ways that will ultimately lead to broad, transformative impacts for Indigenous peoples.
  • Eligibility: To be eligible. applicants must be a member of a federal- or state-recognized Native American or Alaska Native tribe; be a Native Hawaiian; or be able to demonstrate significant and longstanding engagement with and how their work can impact and benefit an Indigenous community or communities in the United States and/or a U.S. territory; be engaged in the creation, dissemination, and/or perpetuation of knowledge in their field; have experience or expertise within the knowledge field/area they are pursuing; be at least 18 years old; and be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
  • Link to complete RFP


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