Anti-Racist White Allyship Group (ARWAG) First Meeting – 10/5

The Anti-Racist White Allyship Group (also known as ARWAG) for the SSW this year is really looking forward to co-creating a space for anti-racist action, reflection, and learning in community that brings together work that’s been led by our peers.

Meeting time
Monday, October 5th at 6pm
(zoom link here).
In order to make the meetings accessible to folks with different schedules while also maintaining consistency, we’d like to know what times work best for everyone to meet. Please complete this when2meet poll on behalf of your general weekly availability for fall quarter.

First Meeting
The first meeting will involve introductions, norms, an orientation to the group, community building, and a reflection and discussion based on this 60 minute lecture and interview with Ayishat Akanbi. There is a shorter version that will be shown during the meeting for those who aren’t able to watch the full interview.


  • We’ll plan to meet for one hour via zoom weekly (ideally the same time weekly, based on availabilities)
  • The format will be inspired by the concept of praxis: “a process whereby one applies theory to practice, attempting to change a concrete situation based on that learning, and recreating theory based on that activity” (Suarez et al. 2008)
  • Meetings will alternate between a focus on theory/learning and then reflection, with a highlighted action of the month that follows a basic theme (collaboratively decided by members)
  • Theory focused weeks will have an education presentation from any members who are willing to share (no more than 15-30 mins) and time for discussion
  • Reflection focused weeks may follow different formats such as journaling, art
  • The hope is to allow members to be active contributors and allow folks to join at any time throughout the quarter/year and have an idea what to expect


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